Piezo Hannas (WuHan) Tech Co, .Ltd. Proveedor profesional de elementos piezocerámicos
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Tecnología piezoeléctrica Co de Hannas (WuHan). Ltd.
Agregar: No.456 Wu Luo Road, distrito de Wuchang, ciudad de Wuhan, provincia de HuBei, China.
Email:  sales@piezohannas.com
Teléfono: +86 27 86502372
Teléfono: +86 15927286589
Skype: sales@piezohannas.com

Transducer for Flowmeter

The transducer for flowmeter is the core element of ultrasonic flow meters, is a liquid - medium sensor. Our ultrasonic transducers for flowmeter and heat flowmeter have good performance, it has excellent water pressure resistant, can decrease the distortion caused by environmental factors and increased the product sensitivity effectively. So that the data detected by our transducer for flowmeter will not have a big difference compared with the actual date. The closed design of the metal housing allows the ultrasonic transducer for flowmeter direct contact with the liquid and prevents performance problems that are usually caused by installation. If you have any questions about ultrasonic transducer for flowmeter in your use, you can contact us for help and we&dm4atp≪ do our best to solve the problem for you in time.

Venta caliente

Tecnología piezoeléctrica Co de Hannas (WuHan). El Ltd es fabricante de equipamiento ultrasónico profesional, dedicado a la tecnología ultrasónica y a las aplicaciones industriales.                                    



Agregar: No.456 Wu Luo Road, distrito de Wuchang, ciudad de Wuhan, provincia de HuBei, China.
Email:  sales@piezohannas.com
Teléfono: +86 27 81708689        
Teléfono: +86 15927286589          
QQ: 1553242848 
Skype: live:mary_14398
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